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어린이영어 (5~8세) BCM ‘하루10분 우리아이 영어는 내가 책임진다’

Can soldiers shoot guns well?[ 2024. 10. 09 ]

A : Can soldiers shoot guns well?

B : They're trained how to handle guns in the military.

A : 군인은 총도 잘 쏘겠네요?

B : 군대에서 총 다루는 법을 훈련받지.

Why do they have to protect the country?[ 2024. 10. 08 ]

A : Why do they have to protect the country?

B : As each country has different opinions, there could be a war.

A : 왜 나라를 지켜야 해요?

B : 나라마다 서로 생각이 달라서 전쟁을 하기도 하거든.